Recitation Ratib and Hizib application is made to facilitate the penghaf and pengamalnya, more practical in use.
Recitation Ratib and Hizib arranged to perform the request of one of his disciples, 'Amir of Bani Sa'd family who lived in a village in Shibam, Hadramout. Objective 'Amir making the request is to hold a wirid and practice of remembrance for village residents so that they can defend and save themselves rather than heresy that hit Hadramout when it was.
This application contains several kinds Ratib, wird, and hizb like
- Ratibul Hadad or Ratib Al-Haddad
- Ratibul Athas or Ratib Al-Athos
- Ratibul Idrus or Ratib Al-Idrus
- Wirdul Lathif
- Wirdus Sakran
- Hizbun Nasr AlHaddad and Shadhili
- Hizbul Bahr
- Wirid Imam Nawawi
- Wirid Habib Abi Bakr bin Salim
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